What Do the Longest-Living People in the World Eat?

Let’s face it, there are many things about the way we eat in the United States that could be much healthier. In fact, the Standard American Diet, which is full of processed foods, added sugar, and saturated fats, contributes to many health complications in our country.

Thankfully, we have other places in the world to pull inspiration from. The Blue Zones, for example, are five regions of the world where the highest concentrations of centenarians exist, and we can learn a lot from their way of living and their daily diets.

These regions include Sardinia in Itay, Okinawa in Japan, Ikaria in Greece, Nicoya in Costa Rica, and Loma Linda in California. And while each region consumes different foods unique to them and their lifestyle, it’s helpful to learn about the foods they eat to see what we can incorporate in our lives to be a little bit healthier.

Excerpted from Eat This, Not That!

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