What’s the Best Way to Lose Weight on a Plant-based Diet?

Many weight-loss plans promote eating more protein and reducing or nixing carbohydrates. However, if you’re trying to lose weight, evidence suggests a plant-based approach — which tends to be higher in carbs— may be helpful. On a plant-based plan, the emphasis is on whole or minimally processed plant foods, and animal foods, if eaten, are consumed in smaller portions or less frequently. Here’s why you should consider a plant-based diet for weight loss.
The case for plant-based diets and weight loss: Though high-protein diets are often touted for weight loss, some studies point to higher body weights among meat-eaters. While animal proteins contribute to satiety, they may also be higher in calories, making it harder to produce the calorie deficit needed for weight loss. In fact, one study that looked at five-year weight changes among more than 370,000 adults found that total meat, red meat and poultry consumption were associated with weight gain over the study period, even after adjusting for factors such as exercise. The study suggests that consuming about nine ounces of meat per day could contribute to a four-and-a-half pound gain over five years. While this research doesn’t show that eating animal protein causes weight gain, it does point out a flaw in the thinking that eating meat is a definitive weight-reducing strategy.
Excerpted from Today