Is Intermittent Fasting Beneficial?

Intermittent fasting could be the solution to weight loss for certain men. While not for everyone, Intermittent fasting can be quite beneficial for some people. Men’s benefits from intermittent fasting may somewhat outnumber women’s benefits. However, this should only be considered a good finding for men. In both cases, the research shows that it is beneficial for enhancing men’s and women’s health. The following intermittent fasting tips for men will provide brief information to get you started on your journey. If you are interested in learning more about intermittent fasting, the DoFasting blog has a bunch of valuable resources.

Good Amount of Sleep: Sleep is beneficial to your health in general, but obtaining more sleep when intermittent fasting boosts your chances of sticking with it because you are up for fewer hours during the day. It means you’ll need less willpower to keep the fast going. If you go to bed at midnight and get up at 6 a.m. to go to work, for example, you will have to “fight” late-night cravings. You can shorten two hours off your day by going to bed at 10 p.m., and you’re less likely to have a midnight snack if you’re already in bed and asleep.

Excerpted from The Good Men Project

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