Looking for Real People Abdominal Fat Loss Tips?

If you’ve put on a few extra pounds, you’re not alone. Research from New Mexico State University reveals that nearly half of U.S adults gained weightduring the first year of the pandemic. Lead researcher Dr. Jagdish Khubchandani, MBBS, Ph.D., a professor of public health at New Mexico State University stated, “Obesity was an epidemic before the pandemic, and little was known on body weight changes in the past year for adult Americans. We wanted to estimate weight changes in the U.S. population and its determinants after the first year of the pandemic.” He added the pandemic was, “A perfect health storm. The U.S. consists of an adult population where the majority suffer from a chronic disease, are either overweight or obese, do not meet the physical activity guidelines, or have unhealthy eating patterns with lower consumption of fruits and vegetables.” Losing excess weight is important to help avoid major health issues and Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with experts who give tips on how to help drop the weight.

  1. Why It’s Important to Lose Excess Weight Claudia Hleap, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator shares, “There are many potential benefits to losing excess weight (if indicated by BMI, bloodwork, and if desired by the individual). Some of the reasons to lose excess weight may be to reduce risk of chronic disease, improve blood sugar management, prevent or treat reflux/heartburn, and/or to improve cholesterol. Many people focus on weight loss strictly for aesthetic purposes and often forget that weight management is so valuable for your overall health and quality of life.” 

Excerpted from Eat This, Not That!

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