Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

When it comes to nutrition and diet, we’re all looking for short-cuts. Too many of them lead to yo-yo dieting, plans without gains, and lots of expensive workout equipment or memberships, gone unused. So where does intermittent fasting, one of the booming diet trends out now fit into this world? It’s no fad. The science is promising, its history is long, and when tackled with patience and thoughtfulness, it can truly burn fat, promote weight loss, and improve overall health. Of course, there will be sacrifices. Here’s how to tackle intermittent fasting and what to expect.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine last December summarized decades of research on the practice which found that Intermittent fasting leads to weight loss and improves blood pressure, cholesterol, asthma symptoms, and risk of cardiometabolic disease. Less definitive evidence, for example, clinical trials, suggest fasting could improve insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes, improve surgical outcomes by reducing tissue damage, delay the onset of Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease, mitigate symptoms of multiple sclerosis, and tamper tumor growth. Animal studies have found intermittent fasting to improve the body’s response to stress, reduce the growth of tumors, reduce symptoms of multiple sclerosis, and mitigates cognitive symptoms after brain injury.
Excerpted from Fatherly