Can Stress Increase Your Risk for Type 2 Diabetes?

Women with jobs that are mentally tiring could be at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, scientists warned.
The authors of a study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology evaluated data from 73,517 French women to find out whether stress was associated with developing the disease. The women’s health was tracked over a 22-year period, between 1992 and 2014. The participants, most of whom were teachers, filled in questionnaires about their health biennially. In that time, 4,187 were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
In a 1992 questionnaire, women were asked whether they found their work mentally tiring, and could answer: “Little or not mentally tiring,” “Mentally tiring” or “Very mentally tiring.” Women who engaged in “very mentally tiring work” were found to be more prone to type 2 diabetes, even when other factors—including lifestyle choices—were taken into account.
Excerpted from Newsweek