What Are the Best Exercises for a Better Sleep?

When you think of exercising for better sleep, yoga probably comes to mind first. While yoga can definitely promote deeper sleep and help you fall asleep faster, other types of exercise can work the same magic. So if yoga isn’t your jam or you just want some variety in your bedtime routine, give these other types of exercise a go for better sleep.
It sure does. Exercise helps you sleep in a few ways. First, it reduces stress levels, which can quiet your mind before bed so you don’t hit the pillow with thoughts racing 100 miles per hour. Second, exercise requires you to burn more energy during the day, so you’ll naturally feel more tired at night.
Physiologically, exercise works wonders inside your body, and many of these benefits may translate to improved sleep. Scientists haven’t pinpointed the exact mechanisms behind the effect of exercise on sleep, but they do know the relationship exists. Some potential connections include the endorphin rush from exercise and, when done consistently, exercise can help your body settle into a healthy circadian rhythm.
Excerpted from CNET