There Could Be a Dangerous Side Effect to Obesity

Obesity, the second leading cause of preventable death in the country, impacts over 42 percent of American adults in the United States—and the chronic disease is becoming increasingly prevalent. There are a number of side effects of having a dangerously inflated BMI, including organ system damage leading to different issues such as diabetes, joint disease, gastroesophageal reflux, and being more susceptible to disease and viruses, such as COVID-19. Now a new study has identified another major side effect of obesity.
Being Obese Can Restrict Blood Flow to Your Brain
Scientists at The Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging (TILDA) at Trinity College Dublin have found that being overweight or obese can significantly reduce blood flow to the brain, a term called “cerebral hypoperfusion,” which is considered an early mechanism in vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Excerpted from Eat This, Not That!