Can Fasting Help You Lose Weight? (Or Maybe Live Longer?)

Vacation’s over, and with it comes the end of the french fries, ice cream, and other delicious but fattening foods that are hard to resist. “I’m on vacation,” we tell ourselves, “I can diet later.”

Well, it’s later now. How about fasting? Is that an effective way to take off the weight?

Fasting has been growing in popularity in recent years. One of the latest fads is intermittent fasting, in which you fast at regular intervals and then eat all you want in between. There’s the 5-2 fast, where you eat for 5 days and fast for 2, every week. Or there’s alternate-day fasting, where you eat one day and fast the next, for as long as you can. Or you can fast every day for 16 hours and get all your eating done in the other 8.

Excerpted from Forbes

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