Lose 5 Pounds of Belly Fat in 30 Days!

You want a trimmer waistline. You want to lose a few pounds of belly fat in a relatively short period of time. Shoot, you’d even love a set of six-pack abs.

That’s great, because when you reduce your percentage of body fat (especially when you lose visceral fat like belly fat), you reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease… and if you do it the right way, you improve your overall health and fitness. So while losing some belly fat will help you look better, it will also make you healthier. Can’t beat that.

Reducing your body fat percentage isn’t easy, though. If it was, everyone would look like this. But if you follow the right program, you can. Stick to the following plan and reducing your body fat percentage — and some pounds of belly fat — is almost assured.

Excerpted from Inc.

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