What’s the Best Time to Do an Intermittent Fast?

In the past few years, the intermittent fasting diet type has seen itself get popularized as one of the most effective and healthiest diet trend that people can try if they want to lose weight, alongside the Mediterranean diet. But as much as people want to restructure their eating habits, one question is still common among many: When is actually the right time to avoid eating?

The Right Time For Fasting 

Unlike other diet trends that have more cons than pros, the intermittent fasting diet has been heralded as one of the healthiest and effective ways to lose weight today, garnering it a position as one of the top diets that you can easily try. And while a lot of people are into the idea of restructuring their caloric intake in order to lose weight and be healthier, the general hurdle that people have to go through is that a lot of them get confused when it comes to timing their fasting and eating periods, which is a common query. As such, a study was made to help answer this common question.

“There are a lot of studies on both animals and humans that suggest it’s not only about  how much you eat , but rather when you eat. Our research looked to test the findings of existing fasting studies by asking real humans to participate in a multi-day test for two different meal time routines. What we found is that the body’s circadian rhythms regulate nighttime fat burning,” Carl Johnson, lead author and a professor of biological sciences at Vanderbilt University, said.

Excerpted from Medical Daily

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