What Time Should You Stop Eating at Night?

The idea that eating a morsel of food after a given time means bad news for your waistline is nothing new. Dieters add this “don’t” to their list of rules when trying to keep an eye on their weight. But before you consider closing up the kitchen when the clock strikes 7 p.m., let’s take a look at the facts.
The Claim:
If you want to maintain or lose weight, then you shouldn’t eat after 7 p.m.
There are myriad reasons why people might not want to eat after a certain time in the evening, especially if it’s close to when they go to sleep, says Cara Harbstreet, M.S., R.D., L.D., owner of Smart Street Nutrition.. There’s an idea that people might have a harder time falling or staying asleep if they’re too full, or that their metabolism will ramp up and burn more fat overnight, for example.
Excerpted from Bicycling