Should You Be Drinking Baking Soda For Weight Loss?

If I had a nickel for every natural weight-loss claim out there, well, I’d have so many nickels I wouldn’t have to write anymore. Yet another “miracle weight loss” ingredient found in your pantry: baking soda. Yep, the same powder that makes bread or cookies rise—is the latest ingredient to be saddled with weight-loss claims. Some blogs claim it can help you speed up weight loss (though, they often don’t go into details regarding how).
In reality, there’s precisely zero science behind using baking soda for weight loss.
Um, why would people think baking soda works for weight loss anyway?
A quick chemistry class refresher: “Baking soda is a chemical compound called sodium bicarbonate,” explains Rachele Pojednic, Ph.D., an assistant professor of nutrition at Simmons College.
Excerpted from Women’s Health