What is the Supplement called “the Poor Man’s Ozempic?”

Ozempic and similar semiglutide medications such as Wegovy and Mounjaro, have gotten a lot of attention over the past year. Ozempic is a prescription-only drug designed to treat type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar and helping the pancreas create more insulin. However, Ozempic has been caught in a wave of popularity after people have been taking it for weight loss.
Celebrities have praised the medication for allowing them to shed excess weight at a rapid rate. While this glorification of Ozempic may seem harmless, using it as a weight-loss drug has been a controversial topic. Many have argued that using Ozempic for weight loss strips the limited supply of the drug from people who rely on it to manage their type 2 diabetes. Not only does Ozempic have to be prescribed by a licensed doctor, but it can also be a big out-of-pocket expense for anyone who takes it regularly.
Excerpted from Microsoft Start