Will Cheat Days Harm Your Weight Loss?

Are you tired of eating healthy all the time and need a break? As it turns out, cheat meals actually help you stick to your healthy diet but only if you don’t overindulge in your favourite delights. Here’s how to do cheat meals right!
Yes, eating a healthy diet is important to keep your body in shape and improve your overall fitness. But most diets need you to cut down on sugar and calories, which means giving up some of your favourite foods. But what about that cheesy pizza and burger eyeing you from the corner at a restaurant? Enter cheat meals! Everyone deserves a break, even your diet. In fact, experts believe that a day to give a break to your fitness schedule can actually help you focus more. You will not have unnecessary cravings that make you binge eat. Nutritionist Azhar Ali Sayed shared the right technique with Health Shots to have a cheat day.
Treat cheat day as a guilt-free day: Raise your hand if you feel guilty every time you eat a cheat meal. Don’t worry, most of us do! Cheat meals are all about giving yourself calculated and planned permission to break strict diet rules that you have been following. The idea is to allow yourself a brief period of indulgence so that you get a break from your diet and won’t binge-eat something that might sabotage your fitness plans.
Excerpted from Health Shots