Does Intermittent Fasting Help Fight Depression?

Currently, depression and anxiety are the most frequently occurring psychiatric disorders in the world, and the situation arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic has made their numbers worse. In addition, we must not forget metabolic health and its close association with obesity, another disease that continues to grow like a foam.

Among the possible solutions, food is key, and there isn’t a day when diet doesn’t appear. miracle Promise of profit beyond its actual scope. Should the famous intermittent fasting be placed in that category? It doesn’t seem so. Although it is now fashionable, our species has naturally practiced intermittent fasting for thousands of years: a wise man Food is not always available 24/7. 

The reason for the current media and popular influence lies in its effectiveness as a method of losing weight and the benefits attributed to it for reducing cardiometabolic risk. For this reason, it is commonly prescribed to patients who are overweight or obese and who show a propensity for diabetes. It also impresses, and much more, that it is more tolerable and can be maintained for a longer period of time with less effort than continuous caloric restriction.

Excerpted from Nation World News

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