What Effect Does Vitamin D Have On Covid-19?

Is your inbox all a flutter over the latest Covid-19 miracle cure — vitamin D? Just like hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial drug that US President Donald Trump championed, vitamin D is having its day in the sun on the internet and social media. And just like hydroxychloroquine, it’s leading some to ask, “What can it hurt if I take vitamin D supplements?”
Actually, it can hurt a lot. In the case of hydroxychloroquine, the World Health Organization stopped a clinical trial after finding that seriously ill Covid-19 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine were more likely to die. And taking too much vitamin D can lead to a toxic buildup of calcium in your blood, causing confusion, disorientation and problems with heart rhythm, as well as bone pain, kidney damage and painful kidney stones.
Excerpted from CNN