Is There a Simple Way to Destress?

Ah, hustle. A word so charged, just hearing (or seeing) it probably makes you want to get stuff done.
Truth is, while a go-go-go approach may seem like the fast track to checking all your professional boxes, you’re only setting yourself up to lose steam right before the finish line. “Think of your brain as a muscle. For it to function at its best, it needs recovery time after a long and demanding workout,” says Earl Miller, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience at MIT. That’s what a long week’s—even day’s—work is: an endurance challenge. Especially for us ladies.
The pressure to live up to our potential not only as individuals but as a gender is very real. Millennial women are more stressed than guys—and more than ever before— citing work and money as their top strain, per a new survey. In fact, 72 percent copped to never saying no at the office, likely in an attempt to climb the ladder faster.
Excerpted from Women’s Health