How Can I Lose Weight in a Sustainable Way?

To lose weight and keep it off, experts recommend gradual weight loss using eating pattern changes and behavioral changes you can maintain over time. There are a lot of choices when it comes to diet plans, supplements, medications, and fads, but what is the best way to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way? This article discusses the types of diet or weight loss plans that help you keep the weight off, maintaining a moderate weight long term.

What is the most sustainable way to lose weight? There is no singular method of weight loss that works best for everyone. Maintaining weight loss and your resulting moderate weight is not typically due to following a specific diet or program. Changes to your eating pattern, lifestyle, and physical activity patterns usually lead to weight loss and weight management.

Although there are programs and medications that can help you lose a substantial amount of weight in a short period of time, keeping it off can be more difficult. Long-term weight loss is usually a gradual process that does not involve using severe food restrictions. Research published in 2018 notes that 20% of people who are overweight or who have obesity are successful in maintaining long-term weight loss.

Excerpted from Healthline

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