Lose Weight With These Lifestyle Changes!

I struggled with my weight for seven years before I finally found a way to lose it in a balanced and sustainable way so that I could keep it off forever. Honestly, I used to be really unhappy with my body. I dreaded waking up in the morning, one, because I had no energy, but two because that meant walking into the bathroom and looking in the mirror at a reflection that I barely recognized. It meant taking 20 minutes to pick out my outfit for the day because none of my clothes fit and the ones that did, I hated the way they looked. I even noticed my weight affecting my relationships. I couldn’t have fun going out with my friends because the whole time I was thinking about how I looked, what others thought about me, and I didn’t want to take any group photos. I was embarrassed about the way that I looked.
At this point, I was in my early twenties and I felt like I had tried everything. I would restrict calories to 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day, but then fall off because I was too restrictive. I tried cutting out carbs, sugar, gluten, and fats. I tried meal replacement shakes and weight loss supplements. I got gym memberships but then never went because I was too self-conscious working out in front of others.
Excerpted from Newsweek