Could Drinking Aloe Water Lead to Longevity?
It’s often sold as a health drink and claims to be highly hydrating. Aloe water, also known as aloe juice, is a fan favorite amongst health fanatics. It’s also a staple at health food stores and cafés. But what is it and how good is it really?
I have to admit that, personally, I had been reluctant to try aloe water. However, a friend offered me a taste and I have to say, it was quite pleasant. I don’t think I’ll be replacing my water intake with it anytime soon. That said, I do think that I might try to add it to my diet on a more regular basis. But, this isn’t just something that tastes quite nice and might be good for you. It seems that aloe water might be highly beneficial.
What is aloe water, and how is it made? It’s also commonly referred to as aloe juice. Whilst there is a huge variety of aloe, aloe water is made using the aloe vera plant. The aloe vera plant is a succulent that grows in tropical climates. It has long been known for its many medicinal properties. The ‘juice’ itself is a thick liquid that comes from the inner flesh of the aloe plant. Historically, this gooey, thick substance was used to treat sunburn. Recently, it has become a mainstream drink and is now hugely popular amongst health fiends.
Excerpted from Longevity