Foods That’ll Perk You Up Better Than a Cup of Coffee!

With constant technological pings, a heavy workload, an ambitious workout schedule, and a busy social calendar, it’s no wonder you’re always tired and tempted to hit the snooze button every. single. morning. You’re not alone: A whopping 85 percent of Americans wake up already feeling poorly rested (yes, already), according to a recent survey.
Aiming for eight hours of shuteye is a great start to tame the tiredness, of course, but that’s not always possible. Your daily habits can fill in the energy gaps if you eat a healthy diet, according to Jenna A. Werner, RD, creator of Happy Slim Healthy. “Food is our fuel. Calories are literally units of energy. When we eat the right foods and the right combinations of foods we are literally fueling our bodies.” Here are seven RD-approved eats that will perk you up until you can pencil in more pillow time.
Excerpted from Prevention