The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting

I love it when old becomes new again – there’s so much we can learn from the experiences and wisdom of those before us. So often we’re seeking out what’s innovative, what’s cutting edge – especially when it comes to wellness. Yet much of what we know to be effective is rooted in ancient practices that have been around for thousands of years and are now being validated by science.

Intermittent fasting is one of these practices that has received renewed attention for its potential benefit for our bodies and our brains.  It’s something that I’ve personally found beneficial, landing on a modified version of intermittent fasting that works for me. Like many things in the wellness sphere, it’s also remarkably divisive, attracting its share of vocal critics as well as advocates.

Intermittent fasting is such a complex topic, far more than what can fit into this column. I’ll touch on the key elements here, and if you’re looking for more of the scientific background, I have a full podcast dedicated to intermittent fasting that just went live this month (FUELED Wellness + Nutrition with Molly, available for download through Apple and Spotify). We go deeper into the research and peer-reviewed studies, also how to create your own intermittent fasting approach that works for you, and more resources for getting started. 

Excerpted from New Orleans

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