Can You Eat Eggs if You Have High Cholesterol?

Scrambled, poached, or deviled, eggs are a versatile and popular food. But these nutritional powerhouses—and their yolks in particular—have been demonized for their cholesterol content in the past.

If you are extra cognizant of your heart health and trying to keep your cholesterol in check, you may be wondering if you should opt for egg whites only or avoid eggs altogether. And you might be surprised to learn that recommendation changes in the last four years suggest there’s now room for a whole egg each day in most diets.

How Much Cholesterol Do Eggs Have? Eating an entire egg will fuel your body with several important nutrients, including protein, vitamin B12, and choline but one large egg also has 207 milligrams of dietary cholesterol.1 This is nearly two-thirds of the daily limit formerly suggested by the American Heart Association. More current guidelines suggest keeping dietary cholesterol “as low as possible without compromising the nutritional adequacy of the diet.”2 This can make eating this food sound like an obvious no when focusing on heart health.

Excerpted from Very Well Health

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