Trying to Get a Full-Body Workout?

Getting a full-body workout is much easier than you think and doesn’t require hitting up every weight machine at the gym (or even going to the gym). While weightlifting is the golden standard for muscle-building, there are numerous other exercise moves and routines you can do just about anywhere (and without any equipment) to strengthen and activate your entire body. When you’re ready to get moving, try these five proven exercises for the ultimate full-body workout.

Workout 1 — Squats

Squat Benefits: Squats are a tried-and-true strength exercise that’s especially beneficial for building leg and glute strength. They’re also an important functional exercise, as being able to do squat-like movements in everyday life (like bending to pick up toys, boxes, kids, and luggage) is key for staying injury free and moving with ease. This exercise can help you build speed as well, Gaines says.

How to Do Squats: Squats are a simple movement, but they’re also easy to do with improper form—and poorly executed squats can lead to injury or unnecessary aches and pains. The simple solution: Learn and master safe squat form. Here’s how to do a squat correctly, according to Travelle Gaines, CPT, the sports performance coach and head of athletic performance at Blocks Nutrition.

Excerpted from Real Simple

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