How Can You Spot Fraudulent Longevity Supplements?

Your genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices all impact how long and well you will live. You cannot out-supplement an unhealthy lifestyle. However, scientists are discovering novel longevity pathways each year, giving supplement formulators a reason to find ways to support those pathways and help you slow down aging. With the rise in potentially effective molecules and ingredients, the amount of misinformation and sales of unapproved fraudulent products also grow.

Dr. Eric Verdin, President, and CEO of The Buck Institute for Research on Aging told Healthnews that longevity supplement companies will display promising claims on their website and bottle, but consumers must look at if there is scientific evidence backing up the claims, and if that evidence is based on animal or human trials.

What is a fraudulent supplement? According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “dietary supplements may be considered fraudulent when marketed with claims to prevent, treat, or cure diseases or other health conditions, but are not proven safe and effective for those uses.”

Currently, the FDA considers aging a “natural process” and not a disease, therefore, supplement companies that market longevity ingredients do not have to go through the rigorous approval process to test their efficacy before selling to consumers.

Excerpted from Health News

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