Can Eating Soup Help With Weight Loss?

Leaves are golden and falling and there’s a bite in the air that’s chilly but also cozy in its familiarity. Mittens are making their way out of storage, Starbucks holiday cups have arrived, and more than anything this is all a sure sign of one key arrival: soup season. It’s officially upon us.

We know and love soup season for all of its traditionally fall markers, but when you dig in beyond the simple joy of eating something hot on a cold day, there’s a lot of nutritional value to explore.

“I always include vegetable-based soups into my clients’ meal plans because they are filling, low calorie, and nutrient-dense,” says Lindsey DeSoto, RDN, LD, owner of The Dietitian Momma.

But, like soup itself, the health factor with the dish can be variable. Before ladling out scoops of your favorite fall food, check out DeSoto’s advice on how best to keep it nutritional—and perhaps even reap some weight-loss benefits. Then be sure to peruse our list of the 23 Cozy Soup Recipes That Are Perfect For Weight Loss This Fall.

Excerpted from MSN

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