Fire Up Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss!

Understanding more about our metabolism can make a huge difference to how easily weight drops off and stays off for the long term. I like to think of it as a furnace. It needs to be fed at the right times to burn the calories we are eating, instead of storing them as fat.

When we see the disconnect between a typical day and our metabolism it is easy to understand why so many of us are gaining weight. Japanese sumo wrestlers have understood this and follow a quite a number of our ‘typical day’ habits to bulk up their weight. They are up early, skip breakfast, and enjoy large meals followed by sleep.

We have hectic lives and are often juggling family routines with busy careers. However, even small changes can make a difference to how we burn our calories:

1. Start by having breakfast. If you don’t have an appetite in the morning try having an earlier dinner and no snacks after 7pm for three consecutive evenings. Start small if you aren’t hungry, for example with a couple of oatcakes and nut butter.

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