Guide to the Healthiest Cooking Oils

Confused about which cooking oil is the healthiest? Join the club. Figuring out what type of fat you should eat is like the quantum physics of the food world. We know that trans fat is bad, but aside from that, there’s still deafening debate, hundreds of online scare stories, and a ton of questions left unanswered by our tireless Google searches. Is saturated fat totally evil or totally harmless? Does the difference between polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat matter? Are we getting the right ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids? If we heat our olive oil to a high temperature, is it going to poison us with toxic compounds?

We thought it was high time for some hard answers. So we consulted Keri Gans, RD, author of The Small Change Diet, and asked her every single oil-related question we could think of. Here, we present the results. Welcome to our all-inclusive guide to cooking oils:Let’s start with a few basic things to keep in mind when you’re choosing an oil:

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