Is it Better to Eat Whole Eggs?

The researchers used a 16-week-long randomized cross-over study to evaluate the clinical changes accompanying the consumption of no eggs, three whole eggs, and three egg whites per day over four weeks. Their results suggest that, even after accounting for slight increases in body mass and chronic disease-associated nutrients, whole egg consumption has a net beneficial effect on young adults’ clinical profiles, especially metabolic and hematological.

The controversy surrounding egg consumption: Eggs contain a host of dietary compounds and bioactive nutrients associated with regulating lipid metabolism, immune function, metabolic function, and hematopoiesis (the formation of blood cellular components). Whole eggs are composed of two distinct parts – the yellow egg yolk and the egg white (albumen or the glair).

These parts are significantly different in their nutritional composition – while they are both rich in biologically available protein (15.9 g and 10.9 g/100 g, respectively) and B vitamins, egg yolks additionally provide choline-containing sphingo- and glycerophospholipids, fatty acids, cholesterol, and additional vitamins (with vitamin C being the only notable exception).

Excerpted from News-Medical

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