While some people may double check to make sure they have their keys when they leave the house, you have to make sure you have a snack. And if you forget? Let’s just hope [...]
Should you chew gum if you’re trying to lose weight? Possibly, though you certainly don’t have to start a gum habit if you don’t already chew gum. [...]
A new study released by the Center for Nutrition Research at Illinois Institute of Technology suggests that meals that include fresh avocado as a substitute for refined [...]
Can you imagine losing weight by not really changing what you eat but when you eat it? Intermittent fasting isn’t a new idea, but it’s becoming more popular. Now [...]
Intermittent fasting is a diet plan which has gained quite some popularity in the recent times. It is a diet plan that can not just help in weight loss, but can also cleanse [...]
Chia seeds are all over Instagram these days—in everything from puddings to smoothies. With good reason, too. These small black seeds, responsible for a flowering [...]
Overeating has been found to impair blood sugar (glucose) control and insulin levels. A new study suggests that the duration of a bout of overeating can affect how the body [...]
You’ve heard so much about the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF), including weight loss, reduced inflammation, improved digestion, reduced bloating, increased [...]
You’ve probably known someone who consumed insane amounts of celery because digesting it required more calories than the food contained. However, the idea of [...]
Scientists suspect that one element of the obesity epidemic is that the brains of obese people respond differently to images of delicious, calorically dense foods. Obese [...]