
Can Intense Exercise Lead to Colds?

December 1, 2023

Can too much of a healthy habit become bad? Lots of evidence shows that regular exercise wards off respiratory infectionslike colds, flu, and COVID-19. However, very [...]

Low Moods This Winter? Try Vitamin D!

December 20, 2022

Vitamin D; could it be the answer to your winter woes?  The December period can be challenging even though it’s a time for festivities, celebration, and happiness. [...]

Why Am I Cold All the Time?

November 30, 2022

Some people feel cold all the time and often need a blanket or coat to keep warm, while others around them seem just fine. As frustrating or worrisome as this may be, it is [...]

Which Teas Will Help Fight the Flu?

November 8, 2022

Sometimes the simplest treatment can be the most effective: So when your grandmother (or brother, or the neighbor at the dog run who sees you sniffling into your sleeve) [...]

Do Cold Showers Burn Fat?

August 10, 2022

Do cold showers burn fat and are they really a good idea? Well, humans have been using immersion in cold water for centuries as a health-boosting form of hydrotherapy. There [...]
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