MIT researchers discovered a couple of years ago that 24-hour fasting activates a metabolic change in mice, which makes your intestines improve your intestinal stem [...]
Throughout life, we accumulate tons of toxins. Like a sponge, our body absorbs the good and bad things we stuff into it. Toxins come from food, drinks, and even the air we [...]
To some, “but first, coffee” isn’t just a trendy turn of phrase; it’s a motto to live by. And while caffeine, in general, has been linked to a number [...]
Intermittent fasting (IF) is an uber-trendy concept in wellness circles these days. It has been shown to be a helpful tool for weight loss–a study published [...]
Is your inbox all a flutter over the latest Covid-19 miracle cure — vitamin D? Just like hydroxychloroquine, the antimalarial drug that US President Donald Trump [...]
A new study published in Nature Proteomics shows that engaging in intermittent fasting has been linked to lower cancer rates and better regulation of lipid and [...]
Of the many ways COVID-19 has changed American life, social distancingis among the toughest for many people to bear. Humans are social animals, hard-wired to crave [...]
You can learn a lot about people by seeing how they react to stressful, sad, or even traumatic situations. Do they panic or get angry? Do they shut down? It turns out, our [...]
Going vegan is kind of like building your own IKEA furniture. It seems like a great idea in theory (nutrients! lower cholesterol! helping the environment!). But [...]
The human body is considered to begin fasting when it has completed the digestion and absorption of a meal, which takes place three to five hours after a person stops taking [...]