What Alcohol is the Best for Weight Loss?

If you’re looking for the lowest calorie alcohol to drink because you’re on a diet, you’re not the only one. While drinking famously gets in the way of weight loss progress, and there’s certainly no such thing as healthy alcohol, not everyone wants or needs to give up booze for good when they’re trying to lose weight.

In fact, regardless of what it is, there’s an argument for not entirely removing the parts of your diet you enjoy when trying to lose weight. As evidence here will show, it’s more likely to lead to binging behavior further down the line than actually contribute to weight loss in any significant way.

Naturally, we should all be aware of mindful drinking and monitoring how much we drink – for so many other reasons other than weight loss. However, if you’re looking for the best low-calorie alcoholic drinks in a canor the best drink to order at a bar the next time you’re out, we’ve got you covered. This is what you need to know about losing weight and drinking, according to two nutritionists.

Excerpted from Woman & Home

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