Is it Safe to Travel For the Holidays This Year?

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and while cases of COVID-19 have significantly dropped in recent weeks, the pandemic is far from over. The US is still experiencing TK daily cases and a significant percent of Americans remain unvaccinated.  Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released guidance on safer celebrations, outlining some precautions and options for the holiday season. Here’s what you can expect.

Is holiday travel safe? Fully vaccinated individuals who are traveling are much less likely to get COVID-19 and spread the virus when traveling domestically or internationally than those who remain unvaccinated. The CDC recommends delaying travel until full vaccination status is achieved. For unvaccinated individuals, including children who are not-yet-eligible for the vaccine, the safest travel options are short road trips or flights with minimal stops or layovers. 

Excerpted from Popular Science

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