What people drink can have a significant effect on how much they weigh and their overall health. Equipped with the right knowledge, people who want to lose weight can use [...]
After years of dieting, losing a little and gaining more, I got serious about weight loss at age 50 and lost 40 pounds. When I started this journey, my loving husband, who [...]
Students who feel a lack of energy to do their school work should try intermittent fasting. It is a proven way to beat laziness and increase energy that lasts throughout the [...]
Let’s be honest: The word “fasting” doesn’t exactly bring up delicious thoughts and positive vibes. For plenty of people, it probably conjures up [...]
Americans are addicted to snacks, and food experts are paying closer attention to what that might mean for health and obesity. Eating habits in the U.S. have changed [...]
The concept of intermittent fasting is something that has been around for a long time, but people rarely know what it is exactly, or why it’s effective. In a [...]
For years, women have been told that weight gain could lead to heart disease. A new study indicates that it is the location of the fat that matters most, with abdominal fat [...]
Intermittent fasting and related diets are having a moment. And there might be some good reasons to extend their 15 minutes of fame. A new study has concluded that [...]
It’s estimated that half of all American adults attempt to lose weight every year (1Trusted Source). Aside from dieting, exercising is one of the most common strategies [...]
A weight loss buddy can help you stay on track with weight loss goals. They are also someone to lean on emotionally during weight loss struggles. To find a buddy, identify [...]