
Does Alcohol Lower Immunity?

April 23, 2020

Social distancing is fully underway in the US—cancelled events, closed restaurants and bars, work-from-home regulations—but that hasn’t stopped Americans from [...]

Is Beer Actually Good for You?

June 19, 2019

Is beer good for you? Well, it’s good for your heart, and there is science to back that up. Wine often takes center stage during heart-health discussions. But don’t [...]

Is Teen Vaping on the Rise?

December 18, 2018

Vaping among America’s teenagers continues to climb, while the use of other substances — such as alcohol and opioids — has declined in recent years, [...]

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Memory?

October 2, 2018

On Thursday, Christine Blasey Ford will take the stand at the Supreme Court confirmation proceedings for Brett Kavanaugh, who she has accused of sexual assault when they were [...]

How Does Alcohol Affect Weight Loss?

June 12, 2018

Drinking alcohol is a favorite pastime for humans, both socially and culturally. Some studies suggest that alcohol can have health benefits. For example, red wine may lower [...]

Want to Live Longer? Avoid This in 2018!

December 27, 2017

The gym membership probably won’t work out. But for those who overate during the holidays, there are some simple dietary New Year’s resolutions that could be a life [...]

8 Low-Sugar Summer Cocktails

May 16, 2017

Let’s get something out of the way right off the bat: Alcohol can be part of a healthy lifestyle, but alcohol itself isn’t exactly healthy. Protein, [...]
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