Social distancing is fully underway in the US—cancelled events, closed restaurants and bars, work-from-home regulations—but that hasn’t stopped Americans from [...]
or three) is the reason you can’t shed those last few pounds? As it turns out, alcohol and weight loss do go hand in hand. We asked a nutritionist about the connection [...]
Is beer good for you? Well, it’s good for your heart, and there is science to back that up. Wine often takes center stage during heart-health discussions. But don’t [...]
Vaping among America’s teenagers continues to climb, while the use of other substances — such as alcohol and opioids — has declined in recent years, [...]
Diet Soda The news is grim: With each passing year, your natural calorie burn slows further. It’s a big reason many people find that as they age, they gain weight even [...]
On Thursday, Christine Blasey Ford will take the stand at the Supreme Court confirmation proceedings for Brett Kavanaugh, who she has accused of sexual assault when they were [...]
Drinking alcohol is a favorite pastime for humans, both socially and culturally. Some studies suggest that alcohol can have health benefits. For example, red wine may lower [...]
The gym membership probably won’t work out. But for those who overate during the holidays, there are some simple dietary New Year’s resolutions that could be a life [...]
Let’s get something out of the way right off the bat: Alcohol can be part of a healthy lifestyle, but alcohol itself isn’t exactly healthy. Protein, [...]