When you’re ready to slim down, you want to make it happen now. But most health experts say rapid weight loss isn’t the way to go. It can sabotage your long-term weight [...]
Nearly a century ago, one of the first fad diets, known as the Hollywood or grapefruit diet, suggested that eating the tart fruit with every meal was the secret to staying [...]
Supplements. Their claims are really all over the place. And if you have a weight loss goal in mind, you’ll want to be mindful about adequate nutrient intake [...]
Dr. Wallace: Like many people, I’ve gained weight the past year and a half since I’ve been home so much during the pandemic. I’ll readily admit my eating habits have [...]
The best way for overweight and obese persons to get healthier is to seek help from a doctor, a fitness coach, and a nutritionist — and not just one of these professionals [...]
Intermittent fasting might be a fairly new and unexplored concept in the world of health and fitness, but it has surely managed to garner votes from experts and people who [...]
When it comes to quantifying your health, many people often use the number on the scale as an overall indicator of their wellbeing. Weight loss is boiled down to [...]
If you think you should eliminate all fats while following intermittent fasting, think again! Not all fats are unhealthy, and healthy fats can actually help you lose weight. [...]
Most people try fasting with one goal in mind: losing weight. But science has also discovered health benefits linked to whole-day, alternate-day, and time-restricted [...]
Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating — and it’s recently become very popular. Not only was it the “trendiest” weight [...]