The Tradition of Fasting Shines in Modern Health

Intermittent fasting, a practice of abstaining from all food and beverages for an extended period, albeit with exceptions, has long been recognised for its health and psychological benefits. This tradition spans across millennia, with its roots found in various cultures and religions.

As individuals worldwide embrace a health-conscious lifestyle and prioritise sustainable eating habits, the global weight management market witnesses significant expansion. According to a survey by Real Research, a staggering 80.1% of the population is now familiar with the term intermittent fasting, indicating its widespread adoption. Commenting on this burgeoning trend, Dietician Nandini Chopra highlighted the post-Covid-19 shift towards heightened lifestyle awareness. “Mindful eating and a focus on physical fitness for everyday functionality have become prevalent,” she noted.

Nandini advocates for the “3S approach” – Small, Spaced, and Seventy-Five – emphasising the consumption of modest, well-timed meals, ensuring individuals eat until they reach 75% fullness. “This strategy curbs excess calorie intake, promotes meal planning, and regulates insulin levels, minimising spikes,” she explained.

Excerpted from the Patriot

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