I’m used to the shaming look I get from my peers when I crack open a can of sugar-free Red Bull. The questions — and judgement — never end. “That [...]
Ah, the mighty plank. When you’ve mastered proper plank form, this move can set your abs on fire and transform your workouts. It’s an incredibly useful exercise [...]
How often do you think about exactly what you’re going to eat before you exercise? How about what you’re going to eat when you’re done exercising? And no, I’m not [...]
People trying to lose weight — or not gain weight — are frequently advised to “lay off the booze.” Although organizations like Weight Watchers offer ways to drink [...]
Want to live a long, healthy life? Move to South Korea. In a study from Imperial College London, published in the journal the Lancet in late February, researchers projected [...]
Gluten-free diets adopted by growing numbers of health-conscious consumers enhance the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, scientists have warned. A major study by Harvard [...]
Cutting a few calories here and there won’t show up on the scale immediately, but making consistent changes will. Here are 10 effortless ways to sidestep excess calories [...]
Picture yourself in a competition — a triathlon, say, or a gamified sales contest. Early on, you’re in the lead and feeling confident, which seems to make you try even [...]
Perhaps the most tedious part of cooking any meal is peeling vegetables. It always adds about 10 minutes extra onto prep time, at least. And, when everything is said and [...]