
What Are the Best Vegan Protein Sources?

February 27, 2020

Considering the fact that even Burger King is serving up plant-based burgers, it’s safe to say that being vegan protein sources are trendy right now. Popular as they [...]

Are Pistachios Good for Weight Loss?

December 4, 2019

There’s nothing better than a handful of nuts to slake untimely cravings. Nuts make for healthy, crunchy snacks. They may not be as appetising as other snaking options, [...]

Is That Really a Food Allergy?

July 3, 2019

A few months ago, a friend of mine threw a dinner party, only to discover that nearly everyone coming had a food restriction. Gluten, dairy, nuts, sugar, meat: Our cultural [...]

Does Coconut Oil Work For Weight Loss?

April 22, 2019

Coconut oil is widely promoted for weight-loss, but while the promises of coconut oil’s benefit sound great, the research is less clear. A few studies have looked at [...]

Healthy Nuts That Are Low in Carbs!

September 18, 2018

Nuts are known for being high in healthy fats and plant-based protein while being low in carbs. Therefore, most nuts can fit into a low-carb eating plan, though certain kinds [...]

Are Almonds Good for Weight Loss?

March 9, 2018

We know almonds taste great and they’re chock-full of protein and healthy fats. But can nuts actually help with weight loss? The most common claim about almonds as a [...]
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