Is there an upcoming event, wedding, vacation, photoshoot or party for which you want to look your best? And if you’re wondering how can you lose those ‘few extra [...]
Skipping meals to save calories is a sure-fire way to tank your metabolismOpens a New Window. and sabotage weight lossOpens a New Window.. Condense those [...]
In 2017, intermittent fasting became one of our favorite ways to fight inflammation, balance blood sugar, improve cognitive function, and fight disease. It’s [...]
If you’re one of the 45 million people who are constantly on a diet, it may be time to take a break from weight loss this holiday season and, instead, focus on avoiding [...]
If you’re emerging from the holidays having put on a little weight, you’re not alone: the average person gains about a pound between Thanksgiving and New [...]
The gym membership probably won’t work out. But for those who overate during the holidays, there are some simple dietary New Year’s resolutions that could be a life [...]
Even if you normally eat a very healthy diet, it’s likely that you still have a tendency to overindulge and “let yourself go” during the holidays. Most of us do. And [...]
‘Tis the season for looking for the best way to avoid holiday weight gain, and there’s one flavor you’ll find this season that could help balance that overindulgence. [...]
When I first started intermittent fasting (IF) a few months ago, I originally thought I would only do it for about a month. I wanted to lose a few pounds and get a flat [...]
For many, the holidays are a time when you give yourself a get-of-jail-free card in terms of diet. But no matter how many times you tell yourself that the calories in that [...]