The health benefits of green tea have been extolled for centuries. In his 12th-century bookKissa Yojoki, the Japanese Zen priest and explorer Eisai claimed that green tea [...]
Although intermittent fasting (IF) has its benefits, going without food or drink for hours on end is serious business. It’s natural for anyone in the middle of a [...]
Diet Soda The news is grim: With each passing year, your natural calorie burn slows further. It’s a big reason many people find that as they age, they gain weight even [...]
On Thursday, Christine Blasey Ford will take the stand at the Supreme Court confirmation proceedings for Brett Kavanaugh, who she has accused of sexual assault when they were [...]
It’s the world’s most popular drink, next to water—and it’s steeped in health benefits. Here, what six top brews can do for you. Black Tea The scoop: Black tea is [...]
Drinking alcohol is a favorite pastime for humans, both socially and culturally. Some studies suggest that alcohol can have health benefits. For example, red wine may lower [...]
Tea has been used for generations by many different cultures in both social settings and to boost health and wellness. Different types of tea boast different benefits. But [...]
The gym membership probably won’t work out. But for those who overate during the holidays, there are some simple dietary New Year’s resolutions that could be a life [...]
There’s nothing like that first sip of coffee in the morning and two new large studies confirm a few daily cups of the intense brew can be part of a healthy lifestyle. [...]
For nutritionists, cinnamon is bae. “I love cinnamon and have it every morning sprinkled on my cappuccino,” says Elisabetta Politi, R.D., a nutritionist with Duke Health. [...]