Climate change is not the only source of dire projections for the coming decade. Perhaps just as terrifying from both a health and an economic perspective is a predicted [...]
As you navigate through midlife, getting regular exercise—such as running—becomes more and more essential for your cardiovascular well-being. And while you’re [...]
Fear of flu is even more potent than usual this season thanks to H1N1… so it’s definitely not too soon to get the knack, or NAC, for fighting it. NAC stands for N-acetyl [...]
For many of the 5.8 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, getting enough food can be an uphill battle. The disease, which progressively erodes memory and [...]
Sitting Disease. It sounds like some mysterious condition you’d bring back from an exotic vacation, but it’s actually a modern homegrown ailment caused by going from the [...]
People who received omega-3 fish oil supplements in randomized clinical trials had lower risks of heart attack and other cardiovascular disease (CVD) events compared with [...]
For years, women have been told that weight gain could lead to heart disease. A new study indicates that it is the location of the fat that matters most, with abdominal fat [...]
At least 15 states have identified more than 120 cases of lung disease or injury that could be linked to vaping, a CNN survey of state health departments has found. The US [...]
A study released last month by Australian scientists linked an increased risk of heart disease to the paleo diet, but experts say that this study points to a larger [...]
There are new concerns about previously rare types of tick-borne diseases being seen more frequently in the United States. The blacklegged tick, for example, not [...]