Whether you snag some vitamin C at the first sign of a cold or stock up on probiotics to keep your gut health in check, you’re not alone in turning to [...]
Whether it’s a dull ache or sharp pain, headaches are the worst. They can throw your entire day for a loop, making it difficult to work, drive, and everything in [...]
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) affects more than 6% of those aged over 15 years worldwide. The condition is more prevalent in developed countries, such as the United States, [...]
Time-restricted eating, also known as intermittent fasting, has been shown to aid individuals with Type 2 diabetes in weight loss and blood sugar control according to a new [...]
We’re constantly surrounded by messages about healthy habits we “should” be adopting. Every time we glance at social media or email, listen to a podcast, or [...]
While often perceived as a negative emotion, anger can also be a powerful motivator for people to achieve challenging goals in their lives, according to research published by [...]
People with type 2 diabetes (T2D) lost more weight by eating whatever they wanted, but only during an eight-hour window, than people who were instructed to cut [...]
People who have no choice but to sit at a desk for hours on end may have seen, in recent years, a slew of headlines about the scary consequences of sitting for long periods [...]
The truth is, no single food contains superpowers to optimize your health. Rather than running out to buy the latest “superfood” you just read about, it’s best to focus [...]