Millions of Americans are using prescription drugs like Ozempic in an effort to lose weight. These medications, however, could pose some health concerns, and they’re [...]
Losing weight doesn’t have to be all about sweaty gyms or expensive personal trainers. Sports can help you lose weight and keep it off while having fun—win-win, even [...]
When I was first studying nutrition, I learned about juvenile and adult-onset diabetes. When teens started showing up with adult-onset diabetes, the nomenclature changed to [...]
Consuming too much caffeine is definitely bad for your health, and there may be good reasons why some people want to quit it altogether. But if you despair at the idea [...]
Instead of counting calories or measuring portions, dieters just have to pay attention to the clock, said Courtney Peterson, a nutrition researcher at the University of [...]
A third of Americans are living with metabolic syndrome, yet many don’t even know it. The good news is metabolic syndrome can be managed with lifestyle changes, including [...]
There is a lot of guidance out there about the best diets for your health, but is there any particular way to eat to boost or maintain happiness? “The answer, of course, [...]
Injectable prescription drugs that reduce appetite — like Ozempic, Saxenda and Mounjaro — have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. Now, Cleveland Clinic [...]
Not all belly fat is created equal. Subcutaneous fat, the soft fat that sits under the skin, is generally seen as less harmful than visceral fat, which collects deeper in [...]
Artificial intelligence has made its way to the front page of every industry, and healthcare is no exception. While much of the focus has been on automating operational [...]