Health care providers and insurance companies are increasingly relying on smartphone and wearable activity trackers to reward active individuals for healthy behavior or to [...]
Public-health experts have long expected that kids who eat more carrots and apples are less likely to eat a lot of candy and fries, but new research is calling that into [...]
If you’re trying to shed pounds, consider this the ultimate guide to what you should be putting on your plate. These good-for-you foods contain powerful nutrients and [...]
We all have them — habits we think are healthy because we heard them somewhere on the news or from a health-conscious friend. And no matter how much we hate them, we just [...]
Whether you want to jump-start your fat loss or detoxify from an indulgent holiday season, there are many reasons to seek out a safe and effective detoxification program. [...]
First things first: If you want to lose weight, you must get your kitchen on board. This means packing it with ammunition that could help fuel your goals. We don’t just [...]
If you read about ancient torture methods, you’ll find some pretty gnarly stuff like something called “infusion,” in which a victim is bound and then force fed a list [...]
The bathroom scale is not your enemy. In fact, if you want to lose weight or prevent new pounds from packing on — common goals for the new year – it could be one of your [...]
New Year dieters should ditch the celery and salads and tuck in to shepherd’s pie and steak instead – and even indulge in cream on their dessert – according to a [...]
This week, nearly half of all Americans will resolve to make 2016 the year they get fitter, faster and reach their feel-great weights. Indeed, weight loss and exercising [...]