Whether next to a sandwich, packed in a pie, or grabbed as a handy snack, apples might well be America’s national fruit. But besides their convenience and their status [...]
While it’s considered an acquired taste by most, kombucha has recently been a buzzworthy drink beloved by celebrities, influencers, and health professionals. [...]
It used to be that the only time I really saw mushrooms was when a few white button mushrooms appeared on a garden salad or atop my cheese pizza. Now, shrooms are popping up [...]
According to the latest U.S. Dietary Guidelines, you shouldn’t consume in excess of 400mg of caffeine every day. In coffee terms, that comes to roughly four cups. [...]
Forget which comes first, the chicken or the egg. The more important question is: Are eggs good or bad for your health? Unfortunately, science can’t seem to settle on a [...]
You will be hard-pressed to find a person who doesn’t love the taste of a sugary-sweet treat once in a while. Researchers have reported that adults are eating even more [...]
More than 50 million Americans report having allergic reactions every year, according to data from the CDC. Allergies are regarded as the sixth leading cause of chronic [...]
Whether you’re a frequent gym-goer or just trying to improve your diet, a great protein powder can leave you looking good and feeling better with minimal effort involved. [...]