
Are You Eating Unhealthy Carbs?

September 21, 2023

When you hear the word “carbs,” chances are you immediately think of foods like pasta and bread, or fad diets that call for eliminating all carbs to [...]

Does Protein Make You Lose Weight?

September 14, 2023

It is well established that obesity is an increasingly prevalent condition and one with far-reaching consequences for public health. The World Health [...]

Is it Better to Eat Whole Eggs?

September 7, 2023

The researchers used a 16-week-long randomized cross-over study to evaluate the clinical changes accompanying the consumption of no eggs, three whole eggs, and three egg [...]

Is Food the Fountain of Youth?

August 30, 2023

Scientists and doctors agree that the secret to a long life may be in your genes, but that good habits make a big difference. Exercise, a healthy diet, staying active and [...]

Taking Ozempic? Avoid Eating This!

August 30, 2023

Skipping certain foods can help patients manage nausea and other side effects of the popular drugs, doctors say. Weight loss is a famous side effect of Ozempic, the Type 2 [...]
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